How do you know you’re passionate about something? You just can’t stop thinking about it—it takes over your mind completely.
And as for recklessness, I see it as another form of courage. Courage is doing something despite the fears, or in other words, ignoring the consequences. So no, I don’t see recklessness as a reversed Knight trait, because it’s not necessarily a bad thing. Like most traits, when used in the right way, it can be super beneficial. The biggest risk-takers often get the biggest rewards.
For me, the difference between the Knight of Swords and the Knight of Wands is how they express passion. The Knight of Wands is more action-driven, showing passion through what they do. On the other hand, the Knight of Swords communicates their passion more through words. If the Knight of Swords is mad at you, expect a verbal explosion. If it’s the Knight of Wands, you’ll see it in their actions.
The truth is, all the Knights share one key trait: passion. The Knight of Cups shows passion emotionally with big romantic gestures and wearing their heart on their sleeve. The Knight of Pentacles, though quieter, has a passion that builds slowly. Once they let you in, they’re all in. But if they decide to shut you out, that’s it—you’re done for good.