When it comes to tens in Tarot, they're usually about wrapping things up and kicking off something new. Think about it: 10 is 1+0, which equals 1, so it's all about new beginnings. The energy from the suit has done its thing and is now rolling into a fresh start.
Now, swords are all about the mind, thoughts, intellect, and communication. People often associate them with conflict, but really, it's more about when different thoughts clash or when communication breaks down.
I don't usually read reversals myself, but I use elemental dignities. If a card is ill-dignified or reversed, it suggests the energy is either blocked, lessened, or flipped on its head.
So, putting it all together, the reversed Ten of Swords might mean there's something stopping your thoughts from moving forward. Maybe you're stuck rehashing an old conflict or a communication breakdown. Or maybe how things ended is keeping you from moving on. Someone might even be dragging up the past.
Just my take on it. Everyone's interpretation can be a bit different!