Hi all- love/compatibility related. I recently went on a first date with someone and I felt connected to her already, which is something that doesn't typically happen to me- and I wanted to see how my cards felt about it.
I did an 8-card compatibility spread with the prompts;
my intentions in the relationship;
their intentions in the relationship;
similarities between us;
differences between us;
physical compatibility;
mental compatibility;
emotional compatibility;
spiritual compatibility
here's what I drew and how I interpreted it. I'm still fairly new to tarot so I would love some feedback because I'm worried I'm seeing this reading as too positive.
star; I'm optimistic about our relationship. I recently went through a rough relationship, but I have done a lot of work and healing, and feel like I deserve to move on to a relationship that makes me happy. I feel like we have a lot of potential.
2 of cups; She wants to be with me, and she feels a connection with me already. She wants a healthy and supportive relationship for both of us. She wants to be romantic with me.
hierophant; We both have strong values, especially regarding marriage, education, knowledge, and commitment.
death; Different views or reactions to change. I am generally receptive to change, though I already know that she can be somewhat resistant to it and afraid of it.
knight of wands; Compatible, passionate
the sun; Compatible. We have similar goals when it comes to what we want out of a relationship and when it comes to family planning.
king of cups; Very compatible. Emotionally balanced, with a good sense of give and take, and empathy. Emotionally mature and deeply fulfilling. We will both make the effort to meet each other's emotional needs.
6 of cups; Compatible. Twin flame. Simple, innocent, and easy love. Inner child healing.
Please let me know if there are any critiques you have, or anything to add! I was trying to scrutinize this reading a lot, but it still feels too positive. Thanks 🙂