So the 5 of cups was interesting in this spread. Here were my thoughts.
I have been trying without success to do a career change. Because ive had no success, today I went for a job that is in the path I am in now. the interview went well and i asked whether i would be successful in securing the role.
I pulled the wheel of fortune, 9 of cups, 5 of cups and 10 of pentacles.
Wheel of fortune - I took this as a change in jobs or new opportunity. Although this card signifies challenges, I think the challenge would be adapting to staying in my current career path/ getting back into work (ive been quite sick lately)
9 of cups - Ive pulled this card 3x lately after proper shuffles. A manifestation of a new job happening. Also being careful what I wish for.
I have taken the 5 of cups as loss of a dream to change careers. Maybe an initial sadness that I will still be in this field but almost like a loss of a dream and the pain I will feel around that. As much as I have realised I would very much like this job, I know I will feel devastated as this feels almost like ive failed. I also realise this may mean i am unsuccessful, but the other cards seemed to not align with this.
10 of pentacles: I saw this as financial stability. I would have had to take a significant, scary pay cut to change careers. This job would allow us to live very comfortably and is generally a very secure, stable career.
Any further insights? I always appreciate you lovely people on here