Hi there! It's always a little weird when someone doesn't answer your texts, right? Let's look at what the cards say about your situation. Temperance, the Ace of Cups, and the Two of Cups make up the first trio, which really shows how a strong, balanced link is being made. It looks like this could be a place for mental peace and fresh starts in love or friendship.
Things get a little trickier when you get to the second set of cards, which has the Knight of Pentacles, the Five of Swords, and the Seven of Wands. The Knight of Pentacles card often stands for a steady, slow approach, which could explain why the answers are taking so long. But the Five of Swords and the Seven of Wands show problems and disagreements. "He" might be having trouble communicating because he is dealing with some personal problems or issues.
The Two of Wands, Knight of Cups, and Six of Pentacles in the last set show a happy finish. The Two of Wands is about making plans and moving forward. The Knight of Cups usually means an offer or message is on the way, and the Six of Pentacles means that you should give and receive in balance. That being said, it looks like things will start to get more fair soon.
In general, it looks like we might need to be patient here. The situation could turn out well, but it might take some time for everything to come together. Don't give up!🃏🔍