Definitely! The Ten of Pentacles can mean different things depending on the context of the reading and the deck used. For example, in the "Wild Unknown Tarot" deck, it shows a tree with ten pentacles arranged in a circle, representing family legacy and abundance.
Now, to your question. The Ten of Pentacles usually means wealth, stability, and long-term success, especially related to family and legacy. But your recent readings showing a hint of prejudice within the card's meaning are fascinating. It could suggest that you're starting to change your views on family values or your role within your family dynamic.
The number 10 implies a transformation or evolution in your perspective. Maybe you're reconsidering your priorities, questioning traditional beliefs, or trying to redefine what security and happiness mean to you in your family relationships.
Tarot encourages us to explore the complexities of human experience, and the Ten of Pentacles reminds us that our interpretations can change as we live our lives.
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions or if you want to discuss this topic more.